Pastoral Council Minutes, August 20, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
Present: Elizabeth Amsberry, Nathan Heitz, Val King, LuAnn Scallon, Mary Jo Stromberg (ZOOM), Joe Barber, Sandy Risvold, Fr. Doug Wathier Call to order: Nathan Heitz at 7:00 p.m. Prayer: Fr. Doug Wathier Welcome to our new member – LuAnn Scallon! We reviewed the Pastoral Council minutes from 5/21/24. Motion to approve by Joe Barber, second by Sandy Risvold. Motion passed. We reviewed minutes from 5/21/24 Finance Council, 5/7/24 and 8/8/24 Faith Formation Commission, 6/13/24 Parish Life Committee, 6/13/24 and 7/11/24 Peace and Justice Committee. Motion to approve by Joe Barber, second by Luann Scallon. Motion passed. Finance Council Joe Barber reported that by the end of FY2024, we closed the gap in the budget with operating income and an increase in the offertory collection. The operating shortage of $21,00 was covered with unrestricted savings and endowment funds. A significant increase in utility expenses was the main reason for the shortage. The Finance Council postponed the election of a new chair until the September meeting. Phase 2 Fr. Wathier reported that we have received the proxy from the Archdiocese to go ahead with the project. With the updated lower bid from Huff Contracting, Inc. and the funds we have raised, we have enough funds to start the project this fall with an estimated finish in the fall of 2025. The contracts still need to be signed after Archdiocese approval. Kurt and Building Committee will coordinate the project. We plan to coordinate some of the parking lot repairs close to the building site with the building project. The installation of the drainage tiles and the retaining wall on the south end of the parking lot will go ahead as planned. As there were no further items for discussion, we adjourned at 7:25. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 17, 2024. Minutes prepared by Val King Finance Council – Aug 20, 2024 Present: Becky David, Joe Barber, Joe Barber, John Holden, Adam Losey, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Deacon Phil Paladino, Dixie Jacobs. Election of Officers: Tabled until Oct. Welcomed new members Adam Losey and John Holden. End of Fiscal Year 2024-25: Offertory was about $13,500 above budget due to the generosity of our parishioners and 53 weekends in the fiscal year. The budgeted withdrawals from the endowment and unrestricted savings were taken. Utilities were higher than expected for the second half of the fiscal year. The year ended almost $15,000 better than budgeted. Monthly Financials - July: Offertory was above budget. No unusual expenses to report. Building & Grounds Committee – Parking Lot: The parking lot retention walls to be installed below ground on the south edge of the lot will be installed in the next couple months. The tiling of the lot to improve drainage will be postponed until spring. The same contractor will be doing work around the new canopy at the south entrance. There will be a cost-savings to have the drainage work completed at the same time. Building Update: With the cost-savings and additional gifts/pledges during the mini-campaign the ground breaking will be this fall with building completed by the fall of 2025. Sept Meeting: Chair and vice election, building update, parking lot update, monthly finances Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, August 15, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. The Peace and Justice Committee seeks to mobilize the St. Mary community to care for the poor and marginalized in the name of Jesus through the lens of our Catholic faith. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Teresa Moerer,Phil Paladino, Val King 7:20 Opening Prayer : Teresa Habitat for Humanity - no report, summer break. Walking with Moms - Val and Anna Raewerts met on Sunday, August 11. Summary of discussion: 1. This is a process that could take a year or more to implement. Do we need a program this formal and extensive? We concluded that we do not.
2. Identified need in the parish is EDUCATION. Every parishioner should know how to respond if approached by someone struggling with an unplanned pregnancy or the aftermath of an abortion. What resources exist? Where can one get needed help? 3. EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE AND OUTREACH #1 Identify Resources a. Diocese b. Alternatives Pregnancy Center c. Guiding Star d. Birthright e. Maternity Homes (Dubuque, Des Moines) f. Catholic Charities g. Rachel's Vineyard (Dubuque) h. Other (Sisters of Life, Let them Live, Secular Profile, etc.) #2 Reach out to Resources
#4 Create and distribute list of Resources with Education to Parish
Committee members discussed and agreed with proceeding with creating a list of resources by contacting various agencies that provide services to pregnant women. Val will begin with Diocese and Alternatives. Teresa expressed interest in going with Val on visits. Food Bank Work Day 1. Mariah Stauffer talked with Lindsey about doing the Saturday volunteer sessions with the Food Bank every month instead of quarterly. Mariah will promote this through Faith Formation, encouraging families to participate. 2. We agreed to the first Saturday of each month from 9 to 11 a.m. The Food Bank can accommodate 10 - 30 volunteers at a time. 3. Lindsey will arrange with the Food Bank:
Bread for the World - In the past we have written letters to legislators following the Bread for the World format. We discussed and decided we would not do this project this fall. Tithing Val updated and formatted the Charity Rating Info spreadsheet to fit 8½ x 11 sheets of paper for easier review. This is the list of the organizations we support through tithing. All agencies were looked up and the ratings updated. The committee reviewed and accepted the list as our guiding document. Val will present to the Pastoral Council in September as our yearly report. A parishioner asked for support for “Sidewalk Advocates for Life” in tithing. We reviewed and decided against this organization being included on our list. We are already supporting Mary’s Inn, Birthright, and Guiding Star. No tithing done as we did not have the tithing report. Peace and Justice education Val presented and led discussion on Catholic Social Teaching #7 – Care for God’s Creation: - The goods of the earth are gifts from God. In Genesis, we learn how God created the sun and the stars, the water and the earth, and every creature. - We have a responsibility to be stewards of these gifts from God. - Care for the earth is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect creation. We live our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. - We believe that Christ is the redeemer of all Creation. - How do we as individuals and as a Catholic community answer the call to protect our shared home in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world? Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical Laudato Si’ and his follow-up letter Laudate Deum support this Catholic Social Teaching. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis brought together decades of Catholic teaching in understandable terms. He invites all of us to consider how our actions affect the earth and the poorest of people. We are to protect the environment and be considerate of future generations who will inherit this earth from us. Everything is interconnected. All creation praises God. Related to this, is the ecumenical “Season of Creation” celebrated by faith communities all over the world from Sept 1-Oct 4. Val will provide articles for the bulletin for the Sundays in September. October is Right to Life Month. There are many resources available to be reviewed, adapted, and submitted as deemed appropriate for the bulletin/website. We will review at our September meeting. Phil is scheduled to discuss Social Teaching #1 Life and Dignity of the Human Person. Closing Prayer. Meeting adjourned 8:15. Next meeting is Thurs, Sept 12 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Val King
Councils don't meet June-July.
St Mary Pastoral Council Minutes 5/21/24 Present: Leo Beschorner, Michelle Even, Nathan Heitz, Joe Barber, Sandy Risvold, Elizabeth Amsberry, Mary Jo Stromberg, Elaine Lawler, Phil Paladino, Fr. Doug Wathier Call to order: Nathan Heitz, 7:00 Prayer: Fr. Doug Wathier The minutes of the 4/16/24 Pastoral Council were reviewed. Motion by Michelle Even, second by Elaine Lawer to accept. Motion passed. Minutes from 4/16/24 Finance Council, 5/13/24 Peace and Justice, 4/2/24 and 5/7/24 Faith Formation meeting were reviewed. Motion by Joe Barber, second by Michelle Even to accept. Motion passed. Finance update was provided by Joe Barber. The shortfall on offertory has been closed and we expect to hit offertory budget by the fiscal year end. Investment income is ahead of budget and the operating shortage should be less than expected. This would result in a lower withdrawal from savings. The parking lot has been assessed. Water getting under the asphalt continues to cause damage. A proposal to repair the major cracks in the lot was presented. Asphalt company would cut and remove the damaged areas. Install drainage tile and immediately resurface. Cost of approximately $96,000 for asphalt work and $7,000 for tiling. The second phase would be to dig footings on either side of the south driveway to create an anchor to prevent the lot from sliding down the hill. Will Kurt will work with volunteers to do this project at an estimated cost of $15,000. The projects will be completed this summer. When complete, the lot may need to be resurfaced in the next 18-24 months. The repair is expected to add 10 years to the useful life of the lot. The areas repaired are not expected to overlap with the area near the front entrance that will be reconfigured with the building expansion. The approximate cost of $118,000 will be withdrawn from general savings. The remaining savings balance is still in excess of the long-term average balance of $350,000. Joe Barber made a motion to proceed with the parking lot repair, second by Leo Beschorner. Motion passed. Phase 2 update was provided by Phil Paladino. The capital campaign packets are available for pickup after mass. Any remaining packets will be mailed. The initial results have been positive. Receipt of updated pledge packets is expected in 4-6 weeks. If fundraising is sufficient to proceed with the project prior to the next Pastoral Council meeting in August, an interim meeting or vote will be taken. Elaine Lawler was thanked for her years of service on the Pastoral Council. Elaine thanked the group for their efforts and was proud to be a member. Nathan Heitz and Elizabeth Amsberry agreed to a 2nd term. Discussion was had on a replacement member, and it was determined that the opening should be posted in the bulletin. With no other business, Joe Barber made a motion to adjourn, second by Sandy Risvold. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30. Minutes by Nathan Heitz. Finance Council – May 21, 2024 Present: Becky David, Joe Barber, Katie Crouse, Scott Danner, Joe Barber, Becky Willson, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Deacon Phil Paladino, Dixie Jacobs. Monthly Financials: We have made up most of the offertory budget deficit this spring, and are expecting to end on budget. Our utilities are over $3,000 under budget due to a mild winter-spring. The religious education endowment had significant growth; $56,198 of growth was reinvested in the endowment. Becky D. made motion to accept financials as presented; Becky W seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Building & Grounds Committee – Parking Lot: The lot has been deteriorating quickly the past few years due to drainage issues. The proposal is to install drainage tile under the lot and install a retaining wall on the south side of the lot to stabilize the lot for potentially 10+ years. Estimate $118,000. In the future, the lot could be sealed or a thin top coat applied. Scott made a motion to recommend to go forward this proposal; Becky D seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The recommendation will be taken to the pastoral council. Building Update: If the building shortfall is met this summer, a special meeting or email vote will be required to proceed to bid or accept a bid. Capital Campaign: The information meetings after Masses were lightly attended. Packets for the extension-campaign were handed out to as many parishioners as possible, and members will continue to distribute pledge packets after Masses the next couple weeks. We have 311 households who pledged during the initial campaign, and 23 extension-campaign have been returned. We’re approximately $402,000 short on pledges/gifts. Aug Meeting: Mini-Capital Campaign update, parking lot update, monthly finances Faith Formation Commission, August 8, 2024, 6:30pm -7:30pm Members Present: Sandy Risvold, Natalie Even, Chris Schneider, Becky Prostine, Sue Rand, Mariah Stauffer, Laurie Masters 1. General updates- Natalie Totus Tuus went very well, smooth and was a great experience for all. Father’s homilies were AMAZING! Shared an invite with St. Pat’s and had children from their parish attend. Question if it might be possible to coordinate with St. Pat’s for Totus Tuus on the opposite years we are in charge of VBS with St. Paul’s. Attendance estimated 22 students for day program and 10 for evening program for high school VBS 66 registrants and was hosted at St. Paul’s LOTEC for Natalie- Not able to get a youth squad, a lot of interest but no enough committed. No adult group this year. Natalie went with other Faith Formation leaders RCIA program – 4 newly interested and possibly 1 more for the upcoming year. 2 young men are going through the program currently. The Archdioceses hosts Faith Formation leadership day every fall and spring. We host this fall and the Archbishop will be here speaking. 2. Goals/re-evaluations for upcoming year Adult Faith Formation – Would like to continue to grow this program. Holy Spirits once a month WAVP. Working to plan Faith and Film- three events Sundays from 3-6pm, family event with meal, childcare or movie with kiddos, October/November, Spring, June, movie snacks. Children’s Mass- This was an idea from parishioners. Five women from the parish are leading this effort. More to come. Childcare – Mariah plans to make phone calls to start this planning in moving forward. 3. Catechist recruitment process Going well so far with new promotion and announcements in Church Still looking for more catechists for elementary and MS Edge 4. Registration forms revamped for online registration. Paper copies are still available. 5. Catechetical Sunday Date in September. Plans being made to encourage and celebrate catechists. Last year, hand-written cards were provided. 6. Coordinating the meal for the FF Parent/family Kickoff on August 28th 5:30-7:30 PM Initial plans made for hosting a meal for the families for Faith Formation kickoff. Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30pm Faith Formation Commission, May 7, 2024, 6:30-7:30 Members Present: Fr. Wathier, Sandy Risvold, Natalie Even, Chris Schneider, Becky Prostine, Sue Rand,
Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Jan Kriener, Teresa Moerer, Phil Paladino, Val King 7:00 Opening Prayer : Lindsey Habitat for Humanity - Panel build for a future two-story house was completed on May 22 at TruStage. Walking with Moms - Val and Anna have not connected since last meeting. Bremer County Family Services Lindsey contacted and did not hear back United Way Christmas in July
A parishioner, Carolyn Johnson, submitted a project called “Ray of Light” for consideration. Church groups finance and make solar kits for Ukraine. We decided we did not have enough information at this time to make a decision. Jan and Lindsey will follow up with Carolyn to get additional information. Carolyn Johnson also suggested an organization called Human Life International for possible tithing from the parish.. We will evaluate and apply our charity group criteria. All should take a look at the information Carolyn provided and check out the organization on the internet. Peace and Justice education - Lindsey presented and led discussion on Catholic Social Teaching #6 – Solidarity.. - See the USCCB website for a summary of information presented. - We watched a video from the Catholic Relief Services Website. - Help others by doing with them and NOT for them. - Prayer leads to action. - Lindsey will write an article or two on solidarity for the bulletin for the end of June, beginning of July. No tithing this month. Closing Prayer: Hail Mary. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 Next meeting is Thursday, July 11 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Val King Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Jan Kriener, Phil Paladino, Val King 7:00 Opening Prayer : Wayne Habitat for Humanity - no report, summer break. Walking with Moms - no report. Val and Anna have not met. Tithing 1. Mary’s Inn - Its mission is as a maternity home located in Dubuque, Iowa dedicated to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of single pregnant mothers and their developing babies. It meets two Catholic Social Teachings: Life and Dignity of the Human Person and Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person. The little financial information available was also reviewed. This organization was approved for addition to the tithing list under “State/National.” 2. Human Life International - Mission is to defend the God-given right to life and dignity of all human persons from conception until natural death. Strive to train, organize, and equip pro-life leaders around the world. It meets two Catholic Social Teachings: Life and Dignity of the Human Person and Rights and Responsibilities of the Human Person. Being a large, global organization they are able to meet all the financial requirements for a high charity rating. Much of their income goes to salaries and lobbying for pro-life activities. This organization was not approved for addition to the tithing list. 3. Ray of Life Solar Kits - This is a fairly new group that gathers people together to make solar light kits to be sent to Ukraine. We had questions about the cost of the kits at $125 and the challenges of getting the kits into Ukraine. We think we can better help Ukraine by giving our funds through Catholic Relief Services. This organization was not approved for addition to the tithing list. The current pro-life organizations that we support are Guiding Star and Birthright. No tithing this month. Adoration for Peace - we received a recommendation to hold Eucharistic Adoration for Peace. This was referred to the Liturgy Committee. We noted how difficult it is to cover 12 hours of Eucharistic Adoration in January for the Day of Prayer for the Unborn. Peace and Justice education - Jan presented and led discussion on Catholic Social Teaching #5 – Dignity or Work and Rights of Workers - Work is an essential part of human dignity. - We were given the garden of Eden to cultivate and care for. - Work provides purpose and fulfillment. - Workers are to be guaranteed productive work, a just wage, good working conditions, and the right to unionize. - God is in all of us and all individuals must be respected. - Jan will write an article for the bulletin for mid August. Closing Prayer. Meeting adjourned at 8:15. Next meeting is Thursday, August 8 at 7pm. Minutes prepared by: Val King Parish Life Committee Meeting Minutes, June 13, 2024, 7PM Present: David Voves, Gerri Dix, Helen Melichar, Mindy Hart, Fr. Wathier Meeting called to order by Mindy. Prayer by Mindy. Review May minutes. Thanks to David for taking the minutes in Helen’s absence. No corrections/additions. Recent Events May Graduation Events – No Wartburg students attended. Is there a need to change the recognition of Wartburg seniors- time/day for Spring 2025…end of April possibly? Or possibly in the Fall when seniors are back on campus? Mariah is planning an event for the beginning of this year. We will also have welcome back bags in the fall. Possibly recognize seniors in January. Discussion to continue about Spring 2025. A good group of high school (9) grads attended. Nine egg bakes were made and two were left. 150 mini cinnamon rolls, although some were not “mini”. KC’s announced scholarships at the breakfast. June Parish Picnic – Weather not so good. Not quite 80 in attendance. Fun night. Food was good. Kids liked the games. Upcoming Events: Fall Dinner: Sunday, October 13-Ideas were discussed in place of silent auction. Possibly sell raffle tickets for a playhouse or a shed. Gambling license would be needed. Need to speak with KC’s. Maybe make a connection with those who are involved with Habitat for Humanity. Gerri will speak with Dixie. Trivia Night: No Bingo in January. Maybe a trivia night for adults (BYOB) on January 26. Possibly hold it at the Brewery or at the AMVETS. If held at the church, a liquor license would be needed. Other Parish Life Shared Drive: In Google… Is this a possibility? Documents would be “read only.” Gerri will check w/Dixie Deck the Halls: Saturday, Dec 14 - Mindy would like to have a committee be in charge of this event. David Voves will assume the chair position in August. Need a Vice-Chair. Contacts will be made. Mindy closed the meeting with “Glory Be.” Next meeting: Monday, August 5 at 7 PM Respectfully submitted, Helen Melichar |
Council/Committee Minutes
October 2024