Pastoral Council Minutes, January 16, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m.
The mission of St. Mary Parish is to make Christ real in our Communities by living the Gospel, worshipping together and serving others. Present: Ellizabeth Amsberry, Michell Even (ZOOM), Nathan Heitz, Val King, Elaine Lawler (ZOOM), Mary Jo Stromberg (ZOOM), Phil Paladino, Fr. Doug Wathier, Joe Barber, Sandy Risvold Call to order: Nathan Heitz at 7:00 p.m. Prayer: Fr. Doug We reviewed and approved the Pastoral Council minutes from November 21, 2023 as submitted. We also reviewed and accepted the minutes from the November Finance Council, the November Finance Council and Building Committee meeting, the December Peace and Justice Committee meeting (with correction of dates regarding the Prayer Service for the Unborn), and the Faith Formation Commission minutes from November and January. Peace and Justice Parish Survey Val King reported that the Peace and Justice Committee has decided not to pursue a survey at this time. The group came to this conclusion after the feedback from the Pastoral Council and after a long discussion about the process at the last Peace and Justice committee meeting. We will continue to highlight peace and justice topics and review parish related activities in the bulletin on a regular basis under the “Peace and Justice Corner” Finance Council Joe Barber reported that due to a shortage of over $10,000 for the first half of FY2024 and a projected shortage of approximately $20,000 for the entire FY2024, a letter will go out with tax statements to the parishioners to explain the shortage projection and to ask parishioners to consider increasing their weekly contribution. Phase 2
Office of Pastoral Planning & Leadership Development October 2023 Mass Count Executive Summary Members discussed this report from the Archdiocese. Our average weekend attendance of 472 is a slight increase from previous months, but still does not come close to the 30% loss due to COVID. The data shows only 36% of the physical capacity of churches is utilized for weekend Masses and the number of Masses needed to meet the numbers attending could be less than currently schedule. There may need to be some tough decisions made regarding parishes and Mass schedules in the future. As there were no further items for discussion, we adjourned at 7:45. The next meeting is February 20, 2024. Minutes prepared by Val King Finance Council – Jan 16, 2024 Present: Kelly Flege, Becky Willson, Scott Danner, Joe Barber, Katie Crouse, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Deacon Phil Paladino, Dixie Jacobs. Monthly Financials: Offertory July-Dec is $255,800 (Dec 30-31 offering reported in January) compared to last fiscal year July-Dec $269,800. With the same number of weekends, this year’s offering is about $14,000 behind this year’s giving. Expenses are close to budgeted levels. No extraordinary expenses to report. Becky W made a motion to accept the financials as presented; Katie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Website Redesign: A proposal submitted to redesign our parish website to make it more appealing and user friendly for $1200. It would still be the staff’s responsibility to keep it up to date. Katie made a motion to table requesting additional information (below); Becky W seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Building Update: The bids were good through Jan 8, which were declined due to pledge shortfall. Deacon Phil contacted our fundraising consultant, and they are willing to organize a mini-campaign for $3000/month. They estimate 6 months for the campaign or less. They are seeing a lot of these shortfalls for campaigns recently. All but one parish fundraising committee members are willing to serve again. Members suggested a commission (percentage of funds raised) or combination of a lower monthly fee plus a commission could be a better financial decision. It would prevent all or most of additional funds raised going to fees should there be difficulty raising additional pledges. The letter mailed in Dec to parishioners raised 11 new and extended pledges for a total of $33,500. The architects estimate the cost (bids) of the project will go up 4% per year. Deacon Phil will have another discussion with the fundraising consultant. Feb Meeting: Phase 2 update, monthly finances, redesign webpage. Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, January 15, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. The Peace and Justice Committee seeks to mobilize the St. Mary community to care for the poor and marginalized in the name of Jesus through the lens of our Catholic faith. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Jan Kriener, Teresa Moerer, Phil Paladino, Val King Opening Prayer : Our Father Ted Mulert notified us that he will be taking a break from this committee as he does not have the time to fully participate at this time. Food Bank - Lyndsey will schedule for the first or second Saturday in February. Mary’s Meals
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Child
Peace and Justice education
No tithing done. Closing Prayer: Hail Mary. Meeting adjourned at 7:25. Next meeting is February 13 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Val King Faith Formation Commission, Tuesday, February 6, 2024 Members Present: Fr. Wathier, Sandy Risvold, Natalie Even, Chris Schneider, Becky Prostine, Ted Mulert, Sue Rand, 1. Opening Prayer 2. Update on Sacramental Prep Classes: Started first reconciliation classes and first communion classes, 37 students. Three total sessions for reconciliation and 3 for Eucharist Confirmation group, 22 students 3. Lenten Material- Located in the hall on the table Large print (50) and regular print daily reading books; large print went well Family and kids materials Beautiful Eucharist book available, as well as sign up for a book study 4. Faith Formation Budget Review Finance Committee will finalize budget in March Natalie shared the budget document for Faith Formation Finance Committee to share if adjustments are needed. Faith Formation Committee appreciates the increase in staff and their awesome support and prep for the volunteer teachers but also wishes to be responsible with funds from the parish 5. Vacation Bible School Conversation regarding partnering with St. Paul’s for the upcoming summer and setting dates and times with Deb Bochmann, St. Paul’s July 7-11, 2024 St. Mary Parish Life Committee, Meeting Minutes December 14, 2023 7PM Present: Mindy Hart, Gerri Dix, Helen Melichar, Liz Poock, Mary Lou Ungs, Jan Kriener, Fr. Wathier Mindy opened the meeting with a prayer. Nov minutes were reviewed it was added that 15 fall dinner meals were delivered to the homebound. Recent Events December Bingo: A smaller crowd — 30- 40 meals served. Outreach to Wartburg Students: Goodie bags were well received. We will provide them again in the spring. At that time, someone will be at the table where the bags are placed for the students to pick up. Upcoming Events: Bingo: January 6 after 5:30 Mass. Pizza from Pizza Ranch will be served. Gerri will order the pizza. Helen will arrange for bars. Future Bingo dates: Feb. 3, Mar. 2, Apr. 6 Deck the Halls: Saturday, December 16 from 9-12. Santa arrives at 9:30. Gerri will take Santa pictures. Mary Lou and Liz will take the lead in the kitchen and bake sale. Nestles is donating hot cocoa. Mindy shared plans for crafts. Grace Ivey is in charge of games. KC's donated $50 for goody bags. KC's Spaghetti Dinner Feb. 10 - along with recognizing Mardi Gras. Outreach to Wartburg Students: Next Wartburg Mass is at 7PM on January 14, at Wartburg. Gerri will send an email in January welcoming students back. In February, an invite will be sent to the students along with a ticket to the spaghetti supper. Finals are the week of April 16-19. Treats will be provided from St. Mary. Seniors will be taken out. Future Events: Easter Egg Hunt: Karen Kuhlman will organize this to be held on March 23. Other Mindy has been on contact with the KC's regarding the Jan. Soup Supper. The date is to be determined._ Peace and Justice: Continue to promote the 7 social teachings. Survey needs to be simpler and smaller. Want to find if parishioners have needs that could be met by other parishioners. Events and Dates for 2024: Easter Egg Hunt—Mar 23; Spring Tea—Apr 20; Parish Picnic—June 4 Mindy closed the meeting with "Hail Mary" Next meeting: Thursday, January 11, at 7 PM Respectfully submitted, Helen Melichar
Council/Committee Minutes
October 2024