Pastoral Council, February 20th, 2024
- Members Present: Nathan Heitz, Elizabeth Amsberry, Leo Beschorner and Joe Barber - Other Present: Father Wathier, Phil Paladino - Meeting called to order by Nathan Heitz, Chair, at 7p.m. - Opening prayer was lead by Father Wathier - There was a motion by Joe Barber, seconded by Leo Beschorner to accept the minutes of the previous Pastoral Council meeting. The motion passed - There was a motion by Joe Barber, seconded by Elizabeth Amsberry to accept the minutes of the other committees. The motion passed. - There was a brief Finance update by Joe Barber, specifically highlighting the current status of the offertory and gains made as compared to the previous month's review. - There was a Phase 2 update provided by Phil Paladino. The fundraising proxy had been signed and approved by the Archdiocese. The contract is being signed with the fundraising agency for our mini campaign. - There was a motion by Joe Barber, seconded by Leo Beschorner, to close the meeting. The motion carried. Finance Council – Feb 20, 2024 Present: Kelly Flege, Becky Willson, Becky David, Joe Barber, Katie Crouse, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Ted Scheidel, Deacon Phil Paladino, Dixie Jacobs. Monthly Financials: Offertory is about $7,000 below budget. If Feb-June offertory is the same as last fiscal year, we project a $12,000 potential deficit. However, Feb has been a strong month for giving, so we optimistic some of the deficit can be reduced. The unrestricted savings in the Archdiocesan Deposit & Loan had $6,000 in growth for June-Dec. No unusual expenditures to report. Raffle: Ted Schiedel, Grand Knight, presented on a potential raffle. The parish would carry the raffle license and it would be a parish raffle. The KC’s willing to coordinate acquiring a car and ticket sales for a used or classic car. Their goal would be to sell 5,000 tickets at $20. A local dealership has offered a discount on a car. Considering a car from Marketplace. The details of the discount and how that would work with a private purchase of a car will be available in April. Concerns and details to consider:
March Meeting: Phase 2 update, monthly finances, raffle, redesign webpage. Becky D made a motion to adjourn; Katie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, Feb 12, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. The Peace and Justice Committee seeks to mobilize the St. Mary community to care for the poor and marginalized in the name of Jesus through the lens of our Catholic faith. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Jan Kriener, Teresa Moerer, Phil Paladino Opening Prayer - Phil Recap: Day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children – ways to promote – involving staff – involving religious education Mary’s Meals - Dixie has things set up to donate online (Phil will double check with her)
Food Bank volunteer day : currently scheduled for Saturday March 9th from 9-11am. Lindsey will make sure to get Dixie that information so people can put that date on their calendars. Peace and Justice Corner in the bulletin update - Theresa and Jan
Local : $1,000.00 to Immediate Needs National : cedar valley friends of the family $1,000 NAMI $1,000 Birthright $1,000 International : Catholic Medical Mission Board $1,000 Catholic Relief Services $1,000 Closing Prayer – Teresa. Meeting adjourned at 7:35. Next meeting is March 11 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Lindsey Kuhlmann
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Council/Committee Minutes
October 2024