No Meetings in December
Pastoral Council Minutes, October 15, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. Present: Elizabeth Amsberry, Leo Beschorner, Michelle Even (ZOOM), Nathan Heitz, Val King, LuAnn Scallon, Mary Jo Stomberg (ZOOM), Sandy Risvold, Becky David, Phil Paladino, Fr. Doug Wathier Call to order: Nathan Heitz at 7:00 p.m. Prayer: Fr. Doug Wathier We reviewed and approved as written the Pastoral Council minutes from 9/17/24. The Finance Council meeting minutes of 9/17/24 were reviewed and approved as written with the notation that John Holden and Joe Barber were not in attendance at this meeting. We also reviewed minutes from the 9/12/24 Peace and Justice Committee and the 10/1/24 Faith Formation Commission. Both approved as submitted. Finance Council: Becky David reported that monthly financials are looking good. Offering has been strong being $2000 ahead of budget. Taxes came in at $37,500 which is a little less than the budgeted amount of $42,000. Utilities have been a little high. Building pledges coming in as scheduled. We are not expecting to write off much (less than 5%). The first invoice of $130,000 has been received and will be paid next week. Phase 2: The project is ahead of schedule with plans to break through the wall into the current building sometime in December. Walls are up and they are starting on the roof. There have been three minor change orders. One actually saves us some money. The contractor meets with staff on Tuesdays. The meetings are short and informative. Town halls are planned for November with pie after the Saturday evening Mass and donuts available on Sunday morning. We still need to purchase some furniture and this is being worked on. Once the addition is completed, the plan is to move classes out of the conference room. Confirmation is this Saturday, October 19 at 10:00 a.m. with Archbishop Zinkula. There are 20 students to be confirmed this year and a new group of 26 starting up to be confirmed next year. The confirmation students will be presenting about the saints on November 1 at “Saints and Subs” following Mass. As there were no further items for discussion, we adjourned at 7:20. The next meeting is Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. . Minutes prepared by Val King Finance Council – Oct 15, 2024 Present: Becky David, Joe Barber, Katie Crouse, Becky Wilson, John Holden, Adam Losey, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Deacon Phil Paladino, Dixie Jacobs. Monthly Financials: Offertory continues to be strong; it is about $2000 above budget-to-date. We received our 6mo. interest on savings at the Archdiocesan deposit & loan. Unrestricted savings interest was almost $8000 and building savings interest was almost $16,000. Utilities running slightly above budget. No extraordinary expenses to report. Discussion on importance of keeping expenses within budget, and the added utility and upkeep cost of the addition. Building & Grounds Committee – Parking Lot: The parking lot retention walls has been completed. The drainage tile will be installed in the spring when the canopy and south entrance work is done. Building Update: The foundation work is a few days ahead of schedule. Finance will put on budgeting process the added cost of insuring, heating and cooling the new addition when it is complete. The bid did not include furniture, but the staff procured enough classroom chairs and wipe-off boards for the classrooms for free or fraction-of-cost from schools/businesses’ donations and online auctions. The canopy at the south entrance will begin in April, weather permitting, when the beams arrive. Nov Meeting: Building update, review utility budget mid-year, monthly finances Faith Formation Commission, October 1, 2024, 6:30- 7:30 PM Members Present: Father Wathier, Natalie Even, Sandy Risvold, Sue Rand, Jess Hass. Guest: Mollie Muntefering
Edge instead of moving them with the Elementary. In Edge, they start as a large group, then break into smaller groups with a Catechist that they will have for the school year. This way they can continue to build relationships.
- Catholic Heart Work Camp - Damascus Youth Summer Camp -Notre Dame Vision -One Bread, One Cup
Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, October 14, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Phil Paladino, Teresa Moerer, Val King 7:00 Opening Prayer : Teresa Food Bank - The next 2 Saturday Food Bank Work Days are November 2 and December 7. Habitat for Humanity - They are having an open house in the office and warehouse on Tuesday this week at 3:30 to show off their recent remodeling. Respect Life Month - Jan submitted articles for the bulletins during October. Tithing - no monthly tithing. We did approve a $500 tithe to Catholic Relief Services for the hurricane victims in the United States (local/national). This can be included with the collection that is being held for this in the parish. Peace and Justice education Wayne presented on the Catholic Social Teaching #4 - Option for the Poor and Vulnerable. He reviewed his 2024 trip to Honduras to work on the Sister Water Project. The Sister Water Project serves very poor areas in Tanzania and Honduras by putting in wells or water systems. They partner with World Vision to involve local people in the project. Villagers came out to greet them when they arrived and provided great hospitality throughout the project. The people plant, hoe, and harvest by hand. Oxen are used. They grow beans, corn, and bananas. They use river and spring water. They did not have water in their village or homes. Wayne helped the group put in a piping system to transport water from a spring to the village. Two things he learned: Don’t need much to be happy. Don’t need much to be generous. We discussed doing a bulletin board in November for the Sister Water Project much like we do for Mary’s Meals during Lent. Val is willing to help put this together. Wayne will provide pictures and a map. Next meeting is Monday, November 11 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Val King Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, November 11, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Phil Paladino, Teresa Moerer, Jan Kriener, Val King 7:00 Opening Prayer : “prayer for the other” from CRS Food Bank - A group of about 15 participated on November 2, sorting food for Thanksgiving baskets. They expect to provide food to 4000 families throughout northeast Iowa. The Food Bank has put us down for the first Saturday of each month in 2025. Habitat for Humanity -
All local requests for assistance come through CAN. This saves persons from having to make multiple calls for assistance. One call is made to the Community Outreach Specialist at the Waverly-Shell Rock Area United Way who guides individuals to the resources to meet their needs. CAN also saves staff hours at the churches and prevents an individual from abusing the system by requesting resources from multiple churches. Sisters Water Project - pictures received today from Wayne. Dixie will print for us. Val will type up and print the text. Jan and Val will put the bulletin board together on Thursday, November 14. Mary’s Meals - Phil received a thank you packet from Mary’s Meals. He sent it out to committee members. Lindsey will work with Dixie to pass on this thank you to parishioners. January Prayer for the Unborn - This includes 12 hours of adoration. We have had a challenge in covering these hours in the past years. Phil referred us to Natalie and Molly as they may have some additional ideas to get some of the youth involved. It is on a Wednesday in 2025. Lindsey will check with Natalie and Molly. St. Mary Parish Life Committee, October 21, 2024 7PM Present: David Voves, Gerri Dix, Helen Melichar, Mary Lou Ungs, Mindy Hart, Fr. Wathier, and Mariah Stauffer via Zoom Meeting called to order by David. Prayer was given by David. Review of September minutes. No corrections/additions. Old Business:
No Bingo on November 2: All Soul’s Day. November 1: Saints and Subs Subs and chips will be served. Gerri will arrange for the subs. Helen will call for bars. Information will be in the bulletin. Building Campaign Thank You : November 6/7 after Mass. Information will be in the bulletin. Sunday: “Stick Around for the Sticky Bun” caramel rolls…Lynn and Gerri will arrange. Saturday night: “Get the Scoop” stay for pie and ice cream. Gerri will put out a signup sheet for pies. We will need 7 or 8. Deck the Halls: December 14 Still looking for help. Mary Lou, Liz Poock, and Helen will be in the kitchen. Gerri will take the pictures with Santa. Money from the sweet shop will go to support parish life events. Mary Lou will create a list. Most of the funds will be used for food. Wartburg Outreach: Finals Week bags will be handed out weekend of Dec 7-8. Nov 3 will be a 5PM Mass. Focus Groups: Discussed the need to identify groups of demographics for a verbal survey. Possible age ranges: 18-30, 30-45, 46-60, 60+. Focus of discussion with individuals would be how to get involved with parish life. Question as to who would be doing the survey. This will happen after the first of the year. Father closed meeting with “Hail Mary”. Next meeting: Monday, November 11, at 7 PM Respectfully submitted, Helen Melichar
Pastoral Council Minutes, Sept 17, 2024 @ 7:00 p.m. The mission of St. Mary Parish is to make Christ real in our Communities by living the Gospel, worshipping together and serving others. Present: Elizabeth Amsberry, Leo Beschorner, Nathan Heitz, Val King, LuAnn Scallon, Becky David (ZOOM), Fr. Doug Wathier NOTE: Michelle Even, Mary Jo Stromberg, and Sandy Risvold tried to join meeting with ZOOM and were unable to make connection. Call to order: Nathan Heitz at 7:05 p.m. Prayer: Fr. Doug Wathier Peace and Justice tithing. Val passed around a list of our approved organizations for tithing. This list is recently updated and includes services offered, how the organization meets Catholic Social Teaching, and current ratings by charity raters. This list will be reviewed every 2 years. Recommendation that this be sent out to Pastoral Council members and included with the minutes. Dixie also sent out the current Parish Tithe summary. Val made a motion, seconded by Becky, giving the Peace and Justice Committee authority to submit tithes directly to the Business Manager for prompt payment. Requests do not need to be reviewed and approved by the Pastoral Council. Motion approved. This is to be reviewed yearly. Finance Council Becky David is the new chair and Katie Crouse is the vice-chair. Becky reported that monthly financials are looking good. Offering is ahead of budget for July and August. Totus Tuus came in higher than budgeted, but the overage will be absorbed throughout the year. Building fund pledges are coming in. Phase 2 Fr. Wathier reported the team met with the construction company this morning. They will meet regularly every two weeks throughout the project. The construction is about 3 days ahead of schedule. They will begin working on the rest rooms next week. Two of the four air conditioners will be turned off next week. We have been gathering items for the classrooms from other community businesses. The conference rooms have not yet been furnished and furniture will need to be ordered. The parking lot footings have been completed. As there were no further items for discussion, we adjourned at 7:35. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Minutes prepared by Val King Finance Council – Sept 17, 2024 Present: Becky David, Joe Barber, Katie Crouse, Becky Wilson, John Holden, Adam Losey, Fr Doug Wathier. Also present: Dixie Jacobs. Election of Officers: Becky D was elected nominated as chair, and elected unanimously. Katie was nominated as vice, and elected unanimously. Monthly Financials: Offertory has been strong this fall; we are about $5,000 above budget. Utilities were slightly above budget. No extraordinary expenses to report. Building & Grounds Committee – Parking Lot: The parking lot retention walls has been completed. The drainage tile will be installed in the spring when the canopy and south entrance work is done. Building Update: The foundation work is a few days ahead of schedule. Finance will put on budgeting process the added cost of insuring, heating and cooling the new addition when it is complete. The bid did not include furniture, but the staff procured enough classroom chairs and wipe-off boards for the classrooms for free or fraction-of-cost from schools/businesses’ donations and online auctions. The canopy at the south entrance will begin in April, weather permitting, when the beams arrive. Oct Meeting: Building update, parking lot update, review utility budget mid-year, monthly finances Faith Formation Commission Meeting Minutes, Oct 1, 2024, 6:30- 7:30 PM Members Present: Father Wathier, Natalie Even, Sandy Risvold, Sue Rand, Jess Hass. Guest: Mollie Muntefering
Edge instead of moving them with the Elementary. In Edge, they start as a large group, then break into smaller groups with a Catechist that they will have for the school year. This way they can continue to build relationships.
- Catholic Heart Work Camp - Damascus Youth Summer Camp -Notre Dame Vision -One Bread, One Cup
Peace and Justice Meeting Minutes, September 12, 2024 @ 6:00 p.m. The Peace and Justice Committee seeks to mobilize the St. Mary community to care for the poor and marginalized in the name of Jesus through the lens of our Catholic faith. Attendance: Lindsey Kuhlmann, Wayne Green, Jan Kriener, Val King 6:05 Opening Prayer : Wayne (The Holy Name of Mary) Food Bank - approximately 15 people participated on Saturday, September 7 bagging potatoes onto smaller bags. The next Food Bank Day is October 5. Habitat for Humanity - for the Day of Caring on September 11, Habitat volunteers worked on siding a house in Waverly. Pregnancy Resources - Val reviewed the information she has gathered so far for an informational spreadsheet. This included those resources listed on the Archdiocesan website: The Gabriel Project, Catholic Charities, Project Rachael, Walking with Moms, and Birthright International. Season of Creation - Val has provided Dixie with an article for each Sunday in October. Respect Life Month - this is October. There are lots of resources online. It is also Rosary Month with a rosary planned for World Peace. Jan agreed to look at the information and submit an article or more for the bulletin. Tithing Local: Butler County Food Bank - $1000 State/National: Habitat for Humanity - $1000; Special Olympics - $500 National: Self Help International - $750; Sister Water Project - $750 Peace and Justice education Phil was scheduled for this month and not able to attend. We will move everyone a month ahead for the rest of the year: - Phil in October: Catholic Social Teaching #1 - Life and Dignity of the Human Person. - Wayne in November. Catholic Social Teaching #4 - Option for the Poor and Vulnerable - Teresa in December: Catholic Social Teaching #3 Rights and Responsibilities- Closing Prayer at 6:35 (Hail Mary) with adjournment following. NOTE: We are moving our meetings back to the second Monday of the month. Next meeting is Monday, October 14 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes prepared by: Val King |
Council/Committee Minutes
October 2024