Faith Formation Commission Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 5, 2023 Members Present: Fr. Wathier, Laurie Masters, Ted Mullert, Mariah Stauffer, Natalie Even, Sandy Risvold, Sue Rand, and Jessica Hass Meeting Notes: 1. Opening prayer 2. Introductions 3. Catechist Recruitment a. Need one more 2nd grade b. Looking for ways to attain more long-term commitment; retain Catechists from year-to-year 4. Program Updates a. High School- 38 b. Edge- 66 c. Elementary- 129 (29 in 1st Reconciliation/Communion) d. Faith Formation Kick-off- lower attendance than expected, but good starting point e. Confirmation- Chosen & additional resources found by Mariah f. Edge- Life Teen g. K-4- St. Mary’s Press resource 5. Catechetical Sunday on September 17th; wrote out thank you notes and invitation to Catechetical Sunday Mass, to be mailed to Catechists 6. Summer Program(s) a. Planning on Totus Tuus in summer 2024 7. Will elect officers at next meeting 8. Next meeting on Tuesday, October 3rd 9. Closing Prayer
Council/Committee Minutes
April 2024