Join us in our commitment to loving our neighbor in the name of Jesus.
Outreach at St. Mary
Bremer County Food Pantry: We will sponsor our regular collection for the local Food Bank the first full weekend of every month (see our calendar for specific dates). Bring your non-perishable food items, toiletries, paper & cleaning supplies to Mass. We also accept monetary donations in the wooden collection box in our entryway. Thank you for helping feeding our neighbors who hunger.
Habitat for Humanity:
Homebound Ministry:
Knights of Columbus: A fraternal organization committed to service in the community and parish.
NE Iowa Food Bank:
Parish Life Committee: Meets monthly and works to welcome the new parishioner, to foster a sense of belonging for all parishioners, to build and strengthen community in our parish and its outreach efforts, and to assist in the pastoral care of the parish community. Peace and Justice Committee:Meets monthly to plan parish service opportunities, distributes our tithing funds to international, national, and local charities, and works to educate our parish about social justice issues.