St. Mary Church strives to serve all ages, and so we enthusiastically invite parishioners in every season of life to commit to growing in faith and understanding through our programs.
Adult Small Groups
Contact the office for more information or to join a small group!
Women's Group
Women of the parish gather for prayer, study and discussion. This groups meet on Friday morning once a month. Men's Group Men of the parish gather for prayer, study and discussion. This group meets on Friday morning once a month. |
This Archdiocesan program for lay formation focuses on learning more about the Catholic faith through study, reflection, prayer, retreats and discussion. The group sessions meet once a month on Saturday, Sept. - May, for two years. Retreats, Discussion Nights & More! Watch the bulletin, this webpage & your mail for upcoming events for adults this year! |
Elementary and Family Formation
Pray & Play: (Preschool Ages 4-5) In the preschool session, children learn about our Catholic faith in a hands-on way. Stories, songs, and hands-on activities will engage children as they pray and play together; learning about the Bible stories and God's love for them. Sessions will meet twice a month at the same time as the elementary grades on Wednesday at the 5:00 or 6:30 pm.
Elementary Grades K-4
Elementary students will meet in classrooms by grade level twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00 pm or 6:30-7:30pm (the class time you registered for). While students attend their session, parents are encouraged to stay for fellowship and are welcome to use the tables in the hall or to pray in the nave.
Elementary students will meet in classrooms by grade level twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00 pm or 6:30-7:30pm (the class time you registered for). While students attend their session, parents are encouraged to stay for fellowship and are welcome to use the tables in the hall or to pray in the nave.
Youth Ministry and Formation
EDGE: Middle School Grades 5-8
EDGE provides a safe, fun place for youth to get to know their Catholic peers, get answers to questions about the faith, and experience Jesus through the teachings of the Catholic church. Fun games and ice breakers get the evening started, core teaching take place in a large group, which is broken up by small breakout groups where questions and discussion is encouraged. The evening ends with prayer in the nave. EDGE meets twice a month on Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 pm.
EDGE provides a safe, fun place for youth to get to know their Catholic peers, get answers to questions about the faith, and experience Jesus through the teachings of the Catholic church. Fun games and ice breakers get the evening started, core teaching take place in a large group, which is broken up by small breakout groups where questions and discussion is encouraged. The evening ends with prayer in the nave. EDGE meets twice a month on Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 pm.
High School Ministry and Formation
Topic Night (Grades 9th-12th): Youth gather to explore a topic of the Catholic faith. Meets once a month on a Wednesday (7:00-8:30pm).
Game Night (Grades 9th-12th): Youth gather for fun and games. Meets once a month on a Wednesday (7:00-8:30pm).
Game Night (Grades 9th-12th): Youth gather for fun and games. Meets once a month on a Wednesday (7:00-8:30pm).