What is Totus Tuus?
The Totus Tuus parish summer program for students in grades 1st-12th for the 2024/25 school year, is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel and promoting the Catholic faith. Missionaries (college students and seminarians) engage participants with skits, songs, games, and interactive teaching. Totus Tuus demonstrates that one can be a faithful, practicing Catholic and still have fun! Totus Tuus instructs young people in the basic teachings of the Catholic faith to cultivate an intellectual grounding and a personal relationship with Christ. https://dbqarch.org/what-is-totus-tuus |
The program for students entering 1st-6th grade is held Monday-Friday, June 24-28 from 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM at St Mary Church, Waverly. Students need to bring their own sack lunch each day. Snacks and drinks are provided. Before and after care is also available (Before: 8:00am-9:00am | After: 2:30pm-3:30pm, with a light snack). JR. HIGH AND HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM: The program for students entering grades 7-12th is held Sunday-Thursday, June 23-27 from 6:30 PM – 8:45 PM at St. Mary Church, Waverly. Snacks and drinks are provided. REGISTRATION FEE: $10 per child, maximum of $25 per family to be paid on-line or cash/check payable to St. Mary Church. Registrations due by June 10. |
(319) 352-2493
St Mary Catholic Church