#1 Faith Formation Goals: Asking catechists and student leaders to provide feedback and input. More discussion with all ages. Rationale: We have over 200 youth in our faith formation in addition to adults who participate. We are building an addition with additional classrooms to expand our offerings. Type of Effort: Building on past/current efforts Action Steps:
New (3) classrooms will be built and usable by spring 2025. Timeline spring 2025. (Faith Formation commission and staff)
Two smaller conference rooms with relaxed furniture for less formal, comfortable small group discussions. Timeline spring 2025. (Faith Formation Commission and staff)
Communication of Goals and Progress: Communicating to parishioners through the bulletin, webpage, text messages, and mailed updates.
#2 Sense of Belonging Goals: Increase volunteers and involvement in liturgical ministries. Connect college students with the parish ministries and events. Rationale: In this day and age people are feeling particularly isolated and lonely. We as the Body of Christ, are compelled to reach out to embrace everyone, share the love of Christ, and nurture our faith in Him together Type of Effort: Building on past/current efforts Action Steps:
Building on past and current efforts, ministering to Catholic students at (Waverly) Wartburg College, so they feel welcomed and included by inviting students to be liturgical ministers, providing welcome bags and materials, and Mass on campus. 2025 (Parish Life Committee)
Expanding the reach to all adults for “Holy Spirits” discussion and faith formation. 2024-25. (Faith Formation staff)
Developing better way to implement a "Time and Talent" sign-up so parishioners of all ages are more aware of opportunities to be involved and connected. 2024-25. (Parish Life Committee)
Communication of Goal & Progress: College students contact info gathered to keep them informed. Will monitor their needs and encourage staff and parishioners to greet and welcome them at Masses. Time and Talent process will be implemented with followup for those interested in ministries/committees. This will be reported to staff and councils as info is available.